- On 1 April 2019, the partnership with the Children’s Club Petrila where the students from the target group made souvenirs for their colleagues and for the teachers form Greece and Italy, was disseminated on the local press (http://cronicavj.ro/wp/?p=86077&fbclid=IwAR2P8Zgu3wCJhiBk4yRascbk9LouMw4DADRFbDYkfqzEInmFEqEKiQ2alpQ).
This article was then shared on the school Facebook page.
Participation in the mobility in Greece (6-15 April 2019).
- The C2 activity was disseminated on the School Inspectorate of Hunedoara County website (http://forum.isj.hd.edu.ro/viewtopic.php?f=198&t=20010&sid=83219b6efb27ae11c2e457f9dcac194c) on 19 April 2019; on the school Facebook page on 9 April 2019
(https://www.facebook.com/cnme.petrosani/photos/pcb.2057442777882354/2057442354549063/?type=3&theater) in the local press.( https://cronicavj.ro/wp/?p=86666) and by the local TV station (http://mondotv.ro/index.php/stiri/19/a19/item/2575-190419) on 19 April 2019.
- On 18 April 2019 the students filled in the satisfaction questionnaires after the mobility.