On 2 June 2021, the students from the target group of the Erasmus + project PROIECT, ref. no. 2018-1-IT02-KA229-047925_3 (2018-2021) attended an online history lesson held by Mr. Dorin Raduti, history teacher, with the following topic: ‘Legacies and memories of communism.’ The aim of the meeting was to familiarize the students with the main features of the communist period in Romania.
The presentation consisted of four parts, all of them being questions. The first part entitled ‘The moment of truth?’ deals with information about the files from the former communist period and the access to study them (‘the battle of the archives’ as he calls it) and the way we interpret the past. The second part, entitled ‘The time of justice?’, deals with the identification and restoration of the victims’ rights, the identification and punishment of the political police officials and the neutralization of the collaborators of the communist regime. The third part, entitled ‘Time of memories?’ deals with three topics: official memory, the memory of resistance to communism and the nostalgic memory. To the last question of the presentation: ‘One last question: <What have we obtained from the communist period?>’ Mr Raduti’s answer is: ‘with a (mainly) toxic heritage’ and he gives several arguments to justify his opinion.
The activity was disseminated on the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=4114114152010397&set=pcb.1485784205088256 and on Twinspace